Be part of this great Community
Empower yourself
Help others
Achieve success
Why Michigan Business Connect?

Our vision is to create a dynamic, inclusive, member-driven community that fuels growth for business leaders, startups, entrepreneurs and small- to mid-sized business owners. Through results-based relationships, targeted coaching, collaborative learning and functional networking, our hope is to empower individuals at all stages of their entrepreneurial journey. We endorse the belief fostering success and innovation also means focusing on giving back to our communities. In life, as in good business, you get what you give, thus, we work for people, progress and profit.
Michigan Business Connect (MiBC) leverages opportunities to grow businesses through a well-organized, professional referral marketing initiative to help you benefit from a stronger business network. Our aim, “who to know to grow”, says it all. We support success via greater relationships, greater knowledge and greater opportunities.
Our membership program is built to cultivate enduring, significant connections with high-calibre, high-character business people and industry experts to foster lasting relationships that feed business success. You are only as good as the company you keep and the circle you expand.

Our Values

Community Impact
Readily offer before seeking to receive. Selfless giving paves the path and opens doors to a richer world of enriching, enduring connections.

Pioneering idea generation
and IT solutions that
redefine possibilities and
drive industry advancement.

Fostering Connections:
Nurturing robust relationships cultivates a climate of trust, insight and encouragement, yielding joy, possibilities and purpose.

Optimistic Outlook
Embracing the positive aspects of every experience propels our life’s journey. Recognizing the goodness in each individual draws exceptional people and grows opportunities for abundance.

Upholding our commitments, especially during challenging times, fosters trust and nurtures resilient relationships as we grow individually and collectively.